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The Leonardo Blog

10 Steps to Improve Your Process Modeling

Have you ever wondered why process models in your organisations are not that useful? Are your process models not being used by that many people? You’re not alone. Today I am going to be talking about 10 steps you can undertake so you can get your modeling practice into shape. There are a total of 10 things you can do in your modeling practice that will shape it all up and put you back on the path for success. We call this Process Modeling Excellence and in Leonardo Consulting, we have meticulously developed this foundation on so much of experience that we’ve had and proven methodologies we’ve established.

Why benefits are important for a successful BPM journey

The business of benefits We can all agree that benefits are important for a successful Business Process Management (BPM) journey – this is a very obvious statement – so why, then, do we often fall into the trap of neglecting benefits definition at the conceptual stage of a project? This article will discuss why we should measure and manage benefits.

A ROI of Process Modelling

Dilemma? Every day, many thousands of hours are invested in creating business process models. Across the country, around the world, this is a massive investment in time, money, and energy. Is there a satisfactory return on modelling?

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