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The Leonardo Blog

Sandeep Johal

Recent Posts:

The Two Key Reasons to Engage in Process Modeling

Today we are talking about the purpose of modeling or as I like to call it the bedrock of everything to do with process modeling. Without it, don't even start. There are many reasons why you would process model. Those reasons may range from the requirement of a visualization right to process improvement. Interestingly enough, there was a survey conducted about a few years ago by the good folks at BPTrends that looked at all possible aspects that managers, architects and the like of people in our profession do who conduct any kind of process modeling and why they would do such a thing.

When to Stop Your Process Modeling

The scope of modeling refers to the left and right limit of your process modeling effort. There are three aspects of scope and the scope of modeling. Firstly, I'll discuss what scope is, why we need scope and why it's important. Finally we’ll examine how to derive scope. What is Scope? Scope refers to the left and right limit of your process modeling effort. Why is scope important? Scope is important because it helps you identify how much effort you and your team require to do any kind of process modeling. This is essential, especially if you're planning ahead and identifying what your start and finish point is. From an organizational standpoint, it could be a value chain. From a departmental viewpoint, it may be something a little bit smaller. But, defining the scope is an important part of your modeling excellence journey. Remember, it's always enhanced by an understanding of the purpose of why you're modeling.

10 Steps to Improve Your Process Modeling

Have you ever wondered why process models in your organisations are not that useful? Are your process models not being used by that many people? You’re not alone. Today I am going to be talking about 10 steps you can undertake so you can get your modeling practice into shape. There are a total of 10 things you can do in your modeling practice that will shape it all up and put you back on the path for success. We call this Process Modeling Excellence and in Leonardo Consulting, we have meticulously developed this foundation on so much of experience that we’ve had and proven methodologies we’ve established.

Why benefits are important for a successful BPM journey

The business of benefits We can all agree that benefits are important for a successful Business Process Management (BPM) journey – this is a very obvious statement – so why, then, do we often fall into the trap of neglecting benefits definition at the conceptual stage of a project? This article will discuss why we should measure and manage benefits.

What is Involved in Outsourcing BPM?

Currently, many outsourcing methodologies exist and there is no shortfall of online resources. Despite this, there is little understood about the role of outsourcing BPM in these methodologies. Taking key steps from BPM related methodologies and outsourcing methodologies, we have developed the follow set of activities to gain value from any BPM outsourcing arrangement.

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