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The Leonardo Blog

The Need for Enterprise Transformation

If you were asked to draw a picture of an enterprise before its transformation and a picture after its transformation, like in the classic before/after house renovation advertising, what would it look like? As an enterprise architect looking for a way to represent an enterprise, we can interrogate TOGAF. It tells us that an enterprise is a system of systems, and that Enterprise Architecture is about managing enterprise transformation toward a target operating model; unfortunately TOGAF does not tell us how to draw a system of systems.

What is Involved in Outsourcing BPM?

Currently, many outsourcing methodologies exist and there is no shortfall of online resources. Despite this, there is little understood about the role of outsourcing BPM in these methodologies. Taking key steps from BPM related methodologies and outsourcing methodologies, we have developed the follow set of activities to gain value from any BPM outsourcing arrangement.

The 7 Deadly Sins of BPM Governance

Implementing and sustaining BPM governance is difficult, albeit worthwhile. It will be impossible unless you actively work to avoid these seven conditions that inevitably lead to failure.

5 Key Elements to BPM Governance

The ultimate outcome of effective BPM governance is the proactive, efficient management and continuous improvement of the set of processes (and their sub--processes) by which an organization delivers value to its customers and other stakeholders.

10 Steps in Delivering Effective BPM Governance

You could be forgiven for thinking that some conversations among the processerati have more to do with cliché management than process management. Our language can be obscure and our meanings cloaked in layers of obfuscation. If we are to achieve the levels of organizational performance breakthrough that we know are possible via process-based management, we need to pick up our game.

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