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The Leonardo Blog

Putting Practical Process-based Management Into Operation

What’s the problem? My favorite question is “What’s the problem we are trying to fix?”— so we should start with that.

3 Steps to Converting EPC Models to Swimlane Models

If you are looking convert a large library of EPC models to Swimlane models (model type EPC – Row Display), a customized automatic conversion script is what you are after.

Designing the Process-centric Organization - The Process Session #9

The Process Session is a weekly video series posted on The Leonardo Blog that discusses all things BPM and Enterprise Architecture. Today, Roger talks about 'Designing the Process-Centric Organization'.

Selecting a Project Management Model (PMM): Prince2 vs PMBOK

Business Improvement projects can be, by their very nature, interesting projects to run as they do not always seem to follow a traditional Project Management Models (PMM). Currently there are a number of different Project Management Models available and widely used to manage projects. With a bit of knowledge about how the PMM works, the advantages and disadvantages of the different models, you can use them to provide the structure and governance required to execute a successful Business Improvement project.

Process Support - The Process Session #8

The Process Session is a weekly video series posted on The Leonardo Blog that discusses all things BPM and Enterprise Architecture. Today, Marco talks about Process Support. Please let us know if you have any ideas for future topics for The Process Session.

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