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How to Demonstrate the Credit Card Dispute Demo

The CCD (Credit Card Dispute) demo is about a customer of the Fortress Bank raising a dispute on a particular credit card transaction. The purpose of this demo is to highlight the features of Entando and PAM Business rules table.





Login Page

This page is developed to showcase that the Customer is logging in order to access the banking website.


Home Page

After the successful login, the first page displayed to the Customer is the Home Page. This page is the entry point for Fortress Bank's website.

This page has the following sections:

Top Bar (Header) - The left side displays the name of the bank as an image. The customer can choose to come back to Home Page by clicking on the bank name image.
  1. Top Bar (Header) - The middle part of the top bar is for display only.
  2. Top Bar (Header) - The notifications bell is to display the status of a dispute submitted by the customer. The last part of the Top Bar is the name of the customer.
  3. Menu - This section has static content for display purpose only.
  4. Account Summary - The content of this section is from the user profile data stored in the application config. When the customer clicks anywhere on this section, the website will take the customer to the Account Summary Page
  5. Marketing Section - All the data and images on this section are static.
  6. Footer - All the data and images on this section are static.

Account Summary Page

This page has the following sections:

  1. Bell Notification - When the customer clicks on the bell notification, the customer will be able to see the status of a dispute. This is the actual content captured from the dispute process.
  2. Open Cases - This section shows the list of open cases with the following details. This is the actual content captured from the dispute process:
    - Case Id - generated by PAM
    - Date when the dispute was raised
    - Case Status - generated by PAM
  3. Transaction History - This section displays the transactions for the customer's credit card. The values in this section are static and derived from the application config.
  4. The customer can click anytime on the bank name image to go back to the Home Page.

Demo Steps: Customer UI

Step 1

To start the demo, please go to any internet browser and use either of the following link(s):

Step 2

You will see a page similar to the below screenshot. Please enter the Username and Password (jonSnow/adminadmin) and click on the "LOGIN" button.

Step 3

After a successful login, you will come to the Home Page. The Home Page will look similar to below screenshot. On this page, you can do the following activities:

  • Check for notifications
  • Click anywhere on the Home Page to navigate to the Account Summary Page.

Step 4 - Checking notifications

In the black navigation panel at the top of the Customer homepage, there is a bell-shaped icon on the right-hand side. Clicking on this will bring up "Customer notifications" as per the screenshot below.

There are currently no customer notifications being displayed when the demo-ccd PAMlet is first installed.


Step 5 - Navigating to the Account Summary Page

Clicking anywhere on the Home Page will present the customer with the Account Summary Page and their transaction history


Step 6

Click on the tick boxes on the left-hand side of the following transactions:

  • "03/13/2017 3:40 PM Jet.com $44.50" and
  • "03/10/2017 10:48 PM Walmart 1445 $43.00"

The "Dispute" button will change from grey to green (as per the screenshot below).


Step 7

Click on the green "Dispute" button and you will be presented with the following screen:

Step 8

Click on the green "Yes - This is correct" button. The "Next" button in the bottom right-hand corner will change colour from grey to green.

Step 9

Click on the green "Next" button and you will be presented with the following screen:

Step 10

Under the label "1. Why are you disputing these transactions?", click on the drop-down menu which displays the label "Select an answer..." and you will see the following options:

Step 11

Select the last option "I did not authorize the transaction(s)" and 2 buttons will appear:

  1. "Confirm - Reissue Card" and
  2. "No - Cancel"

Select "Confirm - Reissue Card".

Click on the green "Next" button in the bottom right-hand corner.

Step 12

Click on the "Yes" button

Step 13

The "Yes" button will become green and the "Next" button in the bottom right-hand corner will change from grey to green. Click on the "Next" button.

Step 14

Select the "Yes" radio button and click the "Next" button in the bottom right-hand corner.

Step 15

Select the "Yes" radio button and click the "Next" button in the bottom right-hand corner.

Step 16

Select the "Yes" radio button and click the "Next" button in the bottom right-hand corner.

Step 17

Select the "Yes" radio button and click the "Next" button in the bottom right-hand corner.

Step 18

Enter the value "87.5" in the "Enter Dispute Amount $" panel and then click on the "Next" button in the bottom right-hand corner.

Step 19

Select the "Merchandise" option from the drop-down list and click on the green "Next" button in the bottom right-hand corner.

Step 20

Select the "Credit Account" option from the drop-down list and click on the green "Next" button in the bottom right-hand corner.

Step 21

Enter the text "None" in the text panel and click on the green "Next" button in the bottom right-hand corner.

Step 22

Select the "No" radio button and click the "Next" button in the bottom right-hand corner.

Step 23

Select the "No" radio button and click the "Next" button in the bottom right-hand corner.

Step 24

Enter the text "None" in the text panel and click on the green "Next" button in the bottom right-hand corner.

Step 25

Review the contents on the screen and then click on the green "Submit" button in the bottom right-hand corner.

Step 26

Clicking on the "Submit" button, will present the following screen. Click on the green "Home" button on the bottom right-hand corner.

Step 27

Click on the bell icon on the right-hand side of the black navigation panel at the top of the Home page. Note that the customer notifications panel now display a transaction. When we first did this it was blank.

Demo Steps: Back Office Administration UI


Step 1

To start the demo, please go to any internet browser and paste the following link(s):

Step 2

You will see a page similar to below screenshot. Please enter the Username and Password (admin/adminadmin) and click on the blue "LOGIN" button.


Step 3

On logging in, you will be presented with the back office dashboard. At the bottom of the dashboard in the Case List, you will see tthe transaction “FR-0000000001” raised from the Customer UI (the transaction number can be found in the screenshot from Demo Steps: Customer UI, Step 26).

This is the final step of the CCD Demo.

Terry Lee
Terry Lee
Enterprise Application Integration Architect, specialising in webMethods, Red Hat. Solution architect and team lead experiences in global enterprise EAI implementation in HK, Taiwan, China, and Australia. Currently based in Melbourne, Australia. Extensive integration experience in Banking, Finance, High Tech Manufacturing, Logistics, Utility, Defence, Gambling, Superannuation, Garments Manufacturing, Beverage Manufacturing, and Consumer Electronic Manufacturing.

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